The 2025 Cal North Annual General Meeting will be taking place on April 6, 2025 in-person for the first time since COVID-19. Please RSVP below for more information.
The list of voting members will become available soon.
RSVP HERE for 2025 Cal North AGM.
April 21, 2024
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Credentials Report
4. Introduction of Guests
5. Acceptance of Minutes of the previous AGM
6. Reports
7. Unfinished Business
8. Proposal for Changes
9. New Business
10. Good of the Game
11. Adjournment
April 23, 2023
Virtual AGM @ 7:00 PM
1. Call to Order
2. Roll Call
3. Credentials Report
4. Introduction of Guests
5. Acceptance of Minutes of the previous AGM
6. Reports
7. Unfinished Business
8. Proposal for Changes
9. New Business
10. Good of the Game
11. Adjournment
*This AGM will be recorded via Zoom
Below you can find the 2023 AGM Minutes.
Click HERE to see document
Below you can find the 2022 AGM Draft Minutes. This version of the minutes is only a DRAFT.
Click HERE to see document
If you have questions regarding the Cal North Annual General Meeting, please contact
Can I vote by sending in my vote?
No, Proxy voting is not allowed, per the Constitution #1:07:04
What is a quorum?
Constitution 1:07:05 A quorum shall consist of any number of members present at the Annual General Meeting.
What is the majority to pass new business?
Constitution 1:07:06 In the event there are two or more rule change proposals, or resolutions that are to be voted on at the Annual General Meeting of the California Youth Soccer Association that conflict with each other: the rule change proposal that receives the greatest number of “yes” votes shall prevail providing that it receives a two thirds majority of those voting. In the case of resolutions that conflict, the resolution that receives the greatest number of “yes” votes shall prevail, providing that it receives a majority of those voting.
Will there be system to vote?
No. The Secretary will take a roll call, for each vote.
I'm the League President and I cannot make it?
The designated voting individual can re-assign his or her responsibilities to another designated board member within the individual's organization. An example of this can been seen here.
I have not RSVP, can I attend and vote?
Yes, please make sure you check in at the start of the AGM via roll call and credentials
Am I eligible to vote if I paid my league affiliation for the current seasonal year?
Cal North has created the following Zoom backdrops and recommends anyone that will be attending the AGM virtually to use them.
CLICK HERE to download your backdrops!
Proposals from a Cal North affiliated league must be submitted by the League President.
7:01 Proposed Changes to Bylaws Any Affiliated Organization, the Board of Directors and any member of the Board of Directors may submit proposed changes to the existing Bylaws. Proposed changes shall be submitted to the Association’s office no less than one-hundred and twenty (120) days prior to the scheduled AGM date.
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