Welcome to Cal North's Registration Hub! As Cal North begins to prep for the upcoming season, this page will help navigate our registration platform, GotSport. This page will provide all the information needed to properly register players and administration for the upcoming seasons.
* If you need blank player passes or match cards delivered to your organization, please follow the steps below:
1. Email Ken Lorenzini at Applied Litho at ken@appliedlitho.com
2. Let Ken know how many player passes and game cards you need in your email as well as your shipping address. Please specify if the address is business or residential.
3. Applied Litho will ship your order direct to you and Cal North will cover the cost!
4. Enjoy your game cards and/or player passes free of charge on Cal North!
Stay Updated! Type your email below and never miss an update to Cal North's registration process.
Submitting User/Coach Requirements in GotSport
Requisitos en Español (Documentos)